Hi Alper. Thank you for the message and for coming to Bath for your presentation. The lecture was very interesting and a great insight – I look forward to hearing from you again in the course! In terms of feedback, ...
It was a great session, I love each and ever part of the session as it allows us to know how creative we are even though it has been ages we have not done any creative work. I knew that ...
Good Morning ! Alper 😊 I am doing good. Thank you! Your classes are always helpful and I really appreciate it and I asked Yasin for more classes as well so he said he will try to make you available ...
Hello you were brilliant during your lecture and I think the comments on the presentations were spot on, I also believe each and every individual should speak during a presentation so they can get rid of those stage frights. It was ...
Hi Alper, thank you for delivering both of your sessions, I really love it! As a person who comes from the creative industry, I thought your delivery was really creative, it standout from our usual keynote sessions and it captured ...
*Bizler, içinde yaşadığımız yüzyılda, apartman kışlalarında oturan siviller haline geldik…Günümüzün yaşama mekanları, sakinlerinin bireysel ve kültürel farklılıklarını yanıtmıyor artık. Bu totaliter yalama mekanları aracılığıyla, insanın kişiliğini çevresine yansıtmasına yönelik tüm yaratıcılığı köreltilmiş, yok edilmiştir. [Cehenneme Övgü, Gündelik Hayatta Totalitarizm, Gündüz Vassaf, ...